I just got a 152,152 point high score on Bejeweled 2 classic mode on my iPhone.
There’s something disturbing about my playing a game on my phone that long…
Mostly about my amusement
I just got a 152,152 point high score on Bejeweled 2 classic mode on my iPhone.
There’s something disturbing about my playing a game on my phone that long…
I listen to the radio more than I watch TV and I just heard the news.
Brancato, who dodged the murder conviction given to his accomplice, Steven Armento, was sentenced by Bronx State Supreme Court Judge Martin Marcus to 10 years in prison for his role in the death of off-duty NYPD Officer Daniel Enchautegui in December 2005.
via Ex-Sopranos, Bronx Tale actor Lillo Brancato gets 10 years in cop slay case — Newsday.com.
This leaves a bad taste. 10 years is better than nothing I guess.
According to the article, this actor can possibly be released in about 5 years. The maximum that the judge could have sentenced him to was 15 years. That would have been better; 10 years for being involved in a crime that lead to the killing an officer seems insufficient.
I’ll probably upgrade to Windows 7 when it is available. But then I do like swearing at my PC, and this will be the “best version of Windows ever” again.
Opensource software is best.
Using a comment callback function in WordPress 2.7, I was trying to customize the threaded comments and ran into a problem. So I left a comment on Jeremy’s blog. He contacted me and was able to find the problem and provide a fix. His post has been updated with that small change and it’s all good.
Very cool, you can’t get that kind of response from any software company. I’ll keep playing around with the comment format, but now I can implement anything I like and take full advantage of the threaded comment feature.
Senator Reid may permit Roland Burris to be seated if Burris promised to bow, genuflect appropriately, and sign a statement etc., etc., etc.. I am sure that list will include Burris being told to kiss his ham.
Sigh, this is pointless.
While everyone can agree that Blagojevich is a low life, he is a low who has the ability to appoint interim senators for the state of Illinois. Since that has not changed, and Burris has been appointed, the Senate should stop their pointless postering and get to work.
I am really getting the full value from my new EVGA GTX-260 card. The card works flawlessly. It came with Far Cry 2 and as FPSs goes, this game is top notch. The graphics are excellent, the game play is fast and responsive, the missions and action is just right.
This game is just how I like an FPS: almost everyone is out to kill me. No team play, you just accept missions and collect points, weapons, etc. Oh, and you have malaria which adds a cool element to the game.
But Far Cry 2 does have one problem. The game keeps exiting back to the desktop without reporting a single error.
I took the above capture from the load screen; I see it a lot. I am using the 1.02 patch from Ubisoft and have looked on the Internet forums (official and unofficial ones) for a fix. Many users are reporting this, but Ubisoft’s online presence does not mention this problem at all.
This game could easily be the best FPS I have played and enjoyed, but this bug makes me want to walk away from the game. During my play I often have to hit F5 to quick save so I don’t lose my progress.
I obtained this game because it was bundled with my video card. If I plunked down $50 for it, I would seriously consider getting a refund. In the meanwhile I’ll load up Crysis and F.E.A.R. and enjoy those two games for now.
I’ve been on vacation since right before Christmas and have enjoyed the time off. Monday I go back to work all refreshed and ready to go.
After our New Years Eve party, I spent the day doing somethings that had meant to do for a while: PHP coding for my WordPress blog. My PHP fu is not that great but this is how I learn and as hobby’s go, it’s almost productive. Starting with easy ones and working my way down, the list looks like this.
1. Clean up my theme directory.
I make changes to my theme all the time and left junk in the theme directory. There is junk in there from plugins that I was experimenting with, looks that I was trying to accomplsh, etc. I can’t remember it all but I know what I need to keep and my backups are good and current.
2. Setup my Flickr badge as a WordPress plugin to put a widget in the sidebar.
I was using a text widget and hard coded the CSS into my theme’s header.php so that the page would validate properly. That worked but if I changed themes, the styling went out the window. I had wanted to see how to create a widget plugin that inserted the CSS using the wp_head action. By looking at existing plugins I saw how and it’s not hard at all.
Now I can keep the widget no matter which theme I choose and it always validates. Next up to add options in the widget. I’m looking at the Flickr Widget to see how it’s done there. Having GPL’ed code available to examine makes life so much easier.
I want to get an options page just for giggles; I don’t plan on distributing the code since I’m re-using Flickr’s code from here.
3. And now the big one: Fix my comment CSS and get WordPress 2.7 threaded comment callback working properly.
WordPress 2.7 comes with the option of using threaded comments and getting the default output just needs these lines:
<ul class="commentlist"> <?php wp_list_comments(); ?> </ul>
This produces good valid XHTML output and all that is required is to style it anyway you want. With some CSS I get this:
It’s really easy to do and between Otto and Chris Harrison’s posts, getting it looking good is simple. If you want to learn then visit those two sites and start playing with your theme.
Now if you want to explicitly control the output for threaded comments, you need to use a callback as outlined in Jeremy’s post. I’m adding a comment count and trying to keep the look close to the original theme’s styling. By inserting the theme’s original comment code I can maintain the look.
In my comments.php file I comment out the old line and add one to use the callback.
<ul class="commentlist"> <?php // wp_list_comments(array('avatar_size'=>40,'reply_text'=>'Reply to this comment')); ?> <?php wp_list_comments('callback=custom_comment'); ?> </ul>
In my function.php file I’m adding this code. Be warned, I am not a PHP programmer and if anyone sees something really gross please feel free to criticize. The $cmtorder is more of a placeholder and I’m not using it yet.
<?php function custom_comment($comment, $args, $depth) { $GLOBALS['comment'] = $comment; ?> <?php global $cmtcount; ?> <?php $pageadd = 1; if(get_option('page_comments')) : $page = get_query_var('cpage'); $pageadd = (get_option('comments_per_page') * ($page - 1)) + 1; $cmtorder = get_option('comment_order'); endif; ?> <li id="comment-<?php comment_ID() ?>" class="<?php echo tj_comment_class() ?>"> <div class="commentNumber">#<a href="#comment-<?php comment_ID() ?>"><?php echo $cmtcount + $pageadd; ?></a></div> <div class="comment_mod"> <?php if ($comment->comment_approved == '0') : ?> <em>Your comment is awaiting moderation.</em> <?php endif; ?> </div> <div class="comment_text"> <?php comment_text() ?> </div> <div class="comment_author"> <?php if (function_exists('get_avatar')) { ?> <?php echo get_avatar($comment, '32'); ?> <?php } ?> <p><strong><?php comment_author_link() ?></strong></p> <p><small><?php comment_date('j M y') ?> at <?php comment_time() ?> <? edit_comment_link(__('Edit', 'sandbox'), ' ', ''); ?></small></p> </div> <div class="clear"></div> <?php echo comment_reply_link(array('before' => '<div class="reply">', 'after' => '</div>', 'reply_text' => 'Reply to this comment', 'depth' => $depth, 'max_depth' => $args['max_depth'] )); ?> <?php $cmtcount = $cmtcount + 1; ?> <?php } ?>
This gets the comments formatted close to the theme’s original comments but adds threading. I added the comment count as a “why not?” If you turn on paged comments the comment counter still work. I have not worked out changing the order yet, I’d like to see it working in reverse order if set.
The code is a bit ugly and I’ll clean it up later. It works and I’m not getting and errors in my log so I’m happy for now. The CSS is good and the generated XHTML code is valid.
My only problem is that the javascript reply to comment box is not working exactly the way I want it to.
When you click on the “Reply to this comment” link, the comment box show up outside of that comment’s <li> … </li>. This is probably due to how I’m using comment_reply_link() but right now the codex is a little bit sparse on that topic. I’ve looked at the source code and by changing the parameters, I do get different results, just not the results I want. If I don’t use the callback, the comment box appears within that comment’s <li> … </li>.
I’ll keep playing with it and will be switching them back and forth until I like the output.
And thus it starts. No, the snow thrower is not gassed up. It started a little while ago; I was expecting rain.
Sigh, it’s like Lily saying to me “Not smart enough to come out of the rain” only with snow.
Another memoir author revealed as a hoax. Boy, this guy better not re-appear on Oprah, she’ll eat him alive.
One of the items I got for Christmas was an EVGA GTX-260 with 896 MB of DDR3 RAM. This is an upgrade from a pair for GeForce 7900 in SLI mode.
The game comes with Far Cry 2 which works really well since I was going to buy it anyway. The game runs really well at 1920×1200 with all the bells and whistles turned on. VERY COOL.
The game exiting to the Vista desktop without throwing a single error? Not so cool.
I have the latest 1.02 patch, DVD in the drive, etc. I’ve looked online for a solution and found none. It’s very disappointing so I press F5 often to quick save. If I don’t quick save, I know that after 45 minutes of trekking across the map I’ll lose all my progress.