That’s something you don’t see very often. Someone get the White House on the phone, the ‘tubes are down!
Author: Jan Dembowski (page 44 of 96)
“Can you please build my legs now?”
The Master Grade RX-78-2 version 2.0 is coming along nicely. Bandai keeps improving on it’s model designs and this one is easy to build. Compared to the version 1.5 it’s a joy.
Once I’ve completed it I’ll take a picture of it next to the version 2.0 of Char’s Zaku II.
This is a mistake on the part of the Iranian government. It is understandable that they want to stop the demonstrations, but this tact will only harden both side’s positions.
So Jammie Thomas’s verdict went from $222,000 to $1.92 million in her re-trial. I still think her “gremlins did it” defense was the height of stupidity but if anything, this verdict shows that the laws are seriously flawed. $80,000 per song?
We should all create some music and sign up with the recording industry since every starving artist obviously gets filthy rich from the RIAA. Pirating music and video is illegal, but there should be some sort of penalty that weighs the actual crime with the real damages. The RIAA is and remains an extortion outfit and will get more mileage from this verdict to advertise their extortion/protection racket.
Jammie Thomas made a mistake and should have come clean. How different would the outcome for her had been if her lawyer said to the RIAA “If you keep the terms private, we will pay $xx per song”. That would have likely been accepted if only because the RIAA would have avoided the bad press. Instead, she now again becomes the poster child for “Hey, I said it was not me” defense.
Now the RIAA and their extortion scheme of “Pay up now or we’ll take your family’s home and possessions” scam just got more lucrative. She will never be able to pay but they will get it all back in free press.
The protestors in Iran do not want to go away. I’m am hoping that this does not end the same way Tianamen did; that government is not famous for their patience.
So Lily put the kids to bed and was complaining that they were fighting.
Me: They like to compete with each other. That’s why they fight.
Lily: After a while it drives me crazy.
Me: Did you ever compete with your brother?
Lily: There was no need.
I’m just asking.
I don’t really blame the North Koreans for acting insane. That behaviour has always worked for them in the past. When will China and Russia say enough is enough and let real sanctions start?
With every release of WordPress there are always people who have problems. That not unusual since change can bring unexpected issues.
Most of the WordPress forum users are just looking for help and are in above their heads. Those users I can respect, asking for help should be encouraged. Providing help can be satisfying and I refer to it as “therapy”.
Then there are those other users. You know the ones, the pissed off users. These are the ones who seem to feel like there is an SLA that is not being honored by the “WordPress” guys.
Here is a current sample from the WordPress.ORG support forum:
“It wiped my website completely and it wiped 3 more website hosted on my server. Now really, do you test these things? And why is it still available for auto upgrade if you see what problems people have here ?”
“Who released this Fiasco?… Is this untested beta junk?”
“Who’s responsible for this crap ? Did anybody do any honest and real testing on it?”
“Thanks a lot, WordPress! I always love having my blog borked just for doing an upgrade, per the instructions. I’m in the process of rolling back to 2.71 and never upgrading again.
What idiot released 2.8?”
If I were these users, I would demand my money back. That’s no way to treat a paying customer.
Everyone should understand that the support is all volunteer driven. If you don’t provide details, if you are not willing to provide those details, and/or you come across as a petulant child, then don’t expect anyone to step up and help.
I’m a fan of WordPress software. It’s well written, mostly well documented, and the volunteer support generally is successful. If you provide some details of your problem then you’ll usually get a solution.
With version 2.7 and above, the software provides a built in auto upgrade. But it’s not fool proof and can go awry. When that happens, the blog user must become the blog system administrator. Not unusual: to properly host and appreciate WordPress you must develop some system administration skills. This is a requirement, it’s not optional.
So before users push that upgrade button they need to have a Plan B for if it goes wrong. That plan can be as simple as wiping out the installation and restoring the backup up made right before you tried to upgrade.
Here are some WordPress Codex URLs to keep in mind and read up on:
Upgrading WordPress
WordPress Backups
Backing Up your Database
Restoring Your Database from a Backup
Disabling Plugins when you can’t login
Version 2.8 was tested and vetted. But when you have +330,000 downloads, some of those users will have problems. It’s to be expected; the people who ran the beta code knew what they were doing. Many users just have not gotten there yet so they need more help.
So if you are using 2.8 and still have problems, take a look at this 2.8 Problems and Solutions FAQ that MichaelH quickly wrote up. From the feedback it seems like this is working well for the problem cases.
WordPress 2.8 is out. Check out the list of features. I was running 2.8-RC1 and updating via SVN (my usual method) was painless as usual.
Using SVN was as simple as logging in and switching from the /trunk to the tags/2.8 like so
cd wordpress/ svn sw
Easy peasy.