I think I can sum up my reaction to the former torturer in chief: Go &^%# yourself Mr. Cheney.
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Firefox 3.0.x has a bug in it’s javascript handling that makes Flickr go insane for some people who use Nvidia drivers. I had tried an earlier beta and was disappointed to see that the bug was not addressed.
I’ve been using beta 3 and I have not been able to reproduce the bug. The javascript is fast. It might not be Chrome or Safari 4 beta fast, but it is noticeably more responsive than Firefox 3.0 and all the extensions that I actually use are compatible.
Google Gears is not compatible yet but the faster javascript makes my user experience fast enough that I can’t see the difference. And I only use gears with WordPress, so it’s not like I am really missing out at this point.
I’ll keep kicking it around but this beta looks solid.
“You can see North Korea from my house!” Some people just don’t know when to stop. Governor Palin’s 15 minutes are up, although the Jerry Springer show is still a possibility.
If you mess up your WordPress theme’s widgets (I was playing with the code and screwed up) and can’t add or remove them, try following the advice here. The manual reset saved me a ton of time.
I am a repeat Dell customer. I’ve been buying their equipment for years and I have always found that they take care of any problems I have. If something is not working, I call them and get support.
I have had problems in the past but it has always been taken care of by Dell.
So last month I purchased a Dell MINI 9 netbook. The deal I got was the recent $199 Ubuntu special and my new toy arrived yesterday.
The built in wi-fi card is spectacularly dysfunctional. It is not satisfied to just drop >70% of it’s packets, it has to give it’s all and interferes with my wireless access point. When it is in wireless mode, no one on my WLAN is safe; it kicks off other PC’s and laptops.
The MINI 9 associates successfully with the wireless router. My DHCP server logs the request, the server gets the ack, and the MINI 9 gets an IP address. That’s about as far as it goes and after that the netbook is useless.
So I contacted Dell via their online support chat. They don’t support the Ubuntu version on the chat line and I was given a number to call.
I then dialed that 866 number that they gave me. That did not go so well; they insisted that my wireless router needed updating. I explained that there are many things on that wireless router that work fine and that the MINI 9 was actually interfering with the other devices.
We went back and forth and I finally told them that the Dell MINI 9 I received was defective and I wanted a refund. I received an e-mail with a link to get the shipping label and tomorrow I will drop it off at UPS.
What I was looking for was a way to make my MINI 9 work. Some setting or configuration in Ubuntu to get the wifi card functioning. What I got was “This is not our problem” and the implication was that they might not have granted me a refund. That was never stated outright but I could not send it back without a return number.
So this all did not exactly go as I intended. The Dell MINI 9 is a cool device and I would have liked to have kept it. But I don’t have time to play games with technical support. Now I’ll probably shop around for another Linux based netbook.
I’m wasting time with these videos today, more so than usual. This is the video that convinced me to buy Team Fortress 2.
Saw this on Digg while wasting time. It’s called Bathtub IV and it’s a lot of fun. It’s personal project from Keith Loutit and if you visit the video page you can read up on it.
Go to Vimeo to see it in HD mode, it looks great.
Why does Microsoft continue to chase Internet search? Because someday, that dog will actually catch that car. And then what will Ballmer do?
This is the HG Hy-gogg I just built. I have been catching up on my Gunpla stash lately because of a deal I made with my 7 year old son. When he’s extra good in school he gets to build a model with me.
He’s been extra good for the last 4 school day so I have been busy for the last few evenings.
He does not want me to work on the model with him, he wants me to work on my own next to him. So here’s the one I just completed and later on I’ll upload pictures of his HG Rick Dom II Colony Color version.
He’s getting pretty good at it and he’s having a fun time. Soon he’s going to demand that we paint his model! It’s all good but his sister is beginning to get jealous so I better start including her on our model building sessions.
Jim Cramer sure has guts. He did not have to show up on The Daily Show.