Mostly about my amusement

Year: 2008 (page 20 of 22)

Wow, Romney called it quits

I just read on CNN that Romney is “suspending” his campaign. Suspending, does that mean he can kick start it at a later date?

His reasoning sounded patriotic. He’s color coding the threat level (a Democrat winning the election would raise the threat level to blood red) and doing the don’t-let-the-terrorists-win act. I think he’s making a mistake; President Bush has ridden that horse into the ground. People are aware of the terrorist threat but mostly they won’t let fear drive them anymore.

If voters really worked that way then Rudy Giuliani would have more delegates than Mike Huckabee.

Now the Republican race will be fun. John McCain is loathed by many hard core conservatives (I don’t get that one either, but in my mind he’s hated by all the right people) but so far he has a big lead. And Mike Huckabee, every time he speaks lately I have to remind myself that I don’t agree with many of his views. He’s a great public speaker.

Maybe we’ll see a McCain Huckabee ticket?

Gundam 00 Episode 17

Now things are getting interesting. According to the last episode, Veda had no information regarding the new Gundams or their solar generators.

The new Haro was discovered 80 years ago

In the beginning of episode 17 it looks like some people scavenged a station orbiting Jupiter 80 years ago. Celestial Being has a competing organization; it was from that station that the purple haro came from.

Apparently the solar generators can only be created around Jupiter. When the Union professor realized that, he began to speculate that the purpose of Aeolia Schenberg’s plan might not be the eradication of war. He was killed soon after arriving at that conclusion by the new Throne Gundams.

The new Gundam Meisters are nuts. They claim they are part of Celestial Being but they can’t be; why steal their Haro from an abandoned station? Their technology is different and they are not stable and seek confrontation.

Andre’s trip to Disneyland

Disneyland, January 18 to 20

How we know each other

Rao and I worked together 10 years ago on an enormous Year 2000 computer project and have stayed in touch ever since. I attended his wedding in New Jersey many years ago and was unable to blend in to the crowd of hundreds because: (1) I’m white, (2) I’m over a foot taller than anyone else there. It was an amazing wedding and I still have fond memories of it. Our most recent get-together was during my divorce, where they took great care of me. Rao’s son, Mohan is Aaron’s age and he reminded me a lot of him. Indu is a warm and wonderful woman who took excellent care of me and shared some amazingly good recipes that look very easy to make when she does it. I have not had the same success.


Disneyland was someplace I had wanted to take Aaron when he was old enough to appreciate it, and now was an excellent time. He’ll be turning five in about two months. I had packed snack items to hold us through the travel. He favors hummus, rice crackers, grape tomatoes and cheese, but lately has also picked up a taste for the carrots that still have all the greens attached. He can pretend to be a rabbit that way. Read more


I like Senator Hillary Clinton but President Clinton is selling himself as part of the package.

That’s not good. When he says “These are tough times. We can bring America back. We’ve done it before.” then he’s using the good will he built to get himself into office. I don’t like that; his time as president is over. He can do (and I assume does) meaningful work and change the world. Just ask President Carter.

Can’t we have a presidential candidate who actually represents something new and hopeful? If Senator Obama gets the nod then it maybe for this reason alone.

Shigofumi is one weird anime

Ayase Asuna in a bad mood

I started watching Shigofumi. The idea here is that after people die they have an opportunity to write one letter to one person. Fumika’s job is to deliver that letter which she does dispassionately.

In the first episode Fumika was to deliver a letter from Ayase Asuna’s late father to her boyfriend. Fumika finds Shouta who is not Ayase’s boyfriend and the whole episode revolves around Shouta. He wants to receive the letter and become the boyfriend by completing a rocket he was working on for her.

Late in the episode it turns out the letter says Ayase killed her father. Shouta refuses to believe it and gets killed by her for discovering her secret. See picture above.

In episode 2 we find out that the father had really, really deserved to be killed. Now that Shouta is dead he sends her a letter in which he apologizes. He’s sorry he missed what was going on in her life and that he was not able to help her.

The animation is not bad and the episodes keep moving but the subject matter is odd. It’s like the show is trying to be cute with drama.