Mostly about my amusement

Author: Jan Dembowski (page 57 of 96)

Monolith purchased the F.E.A.R. name from Activision

Sometimes I don’t get just spam in my e-mail.  Monolith purchased the rights to the F.E.A.R. name from Activision.  Check out the sequel web site.

The first F.E.A.R. was meant to be played late at night and in the dark.  When I played it, it scared the crap out of me.  This real sequel is out in February 2009 and I’ll probably buy it the day it comes out for the PC.

In between weather

Hot and muggy summer weather does not bother me.  I once dragged Lily through Washington D.C. in 101 degree weather and did not realize she was suffering, I was fine.  Summer in Las Vegas was great with it being over 100 and no humidity.

Autumn is very cool and New York winter never gave me a problem.  I’m not saying Minnesota winter would not wipe me out, but even with cold snaps I can’t get into too much trouble weather wise.  Our winters here are just mild and lately getting milder.

The transitions are a pain.  This is damp but not wet, colder but not cold.  One day it’s summertime and spring like the next. Then back to hot followed by cool evenings.

This weather is “in between” and it always bugs me.  For the next few weeks until fall settles in, I’ll be irritated by Mother Nature’s lack of making a decision. The changes give me headaches and my muscles hurt.  I’ll be more cranky than usual.

Sigh, I’ll have to deal with it by playing with the kids more.  The girl just started kindergarten and claims she is not happy.  She likes the bus ride, that’s very cool.  But she says she does not like the work (it’s her second week).

For 3 years she attended half day pre-k and knew everyone.  There were not many girls in her school and she was treated like a princess.  Once she told me she was going to marry one of the boys in her class. When I asked about another boy, she said she’d marry that one later.

I wonder if we are raising the next Liz Taylor?

At her new school she’s just one of hundreds of kids.  It’s good for her but she needs to adjust. She will learn to make new friends and enjoy being in class. She’ll be cranky and we’ll deal with her maudlin behavior.  For now she’s just in between.

Old ID software games

ID Super Pack

I’m a sucker for the old games.  For me the id super pack was too much to pass.  It comes with virtually every id game up to and including DOOM 3: Resurrection of Evil.

When Steam came out, the idea of downloading games from the Internet was just plain silly.  Now I can get games via Steam and never worry about having the CD in the drive or re-installing and not finding the original disks.  Patching becomes easy too.

Looks like Valve software was ahead of their time. Since I can log in from all my PCs, I can pick which games to install and play them when I want.

Soon I’ll be heading out but when I come back I hope to be playing Commander Keen.

But I do have the authority to reject things

10 years ago, I had to be careful about what Dilbert cartoons could be put up in my cubicle since some of them were dead on accurate.

This one hits close to home for any one in Network engineering:


In my current job, this is more funny as we get lots done. But in my past life this kind of road block was a daily event. Putting up this one would have gotten me another talking-to.

Rain from Hanna

Yesterday when Lily and I got home, we went and took in the patio umbrella.  My parents had taken most of the stuff from outside already so I did not have much to take in.

Good thing we did that.  Go into your shower and put the water on to it’s maximum pressure and speed.  It was like that last night outside our bedroom.  It came down hard and woke us both up.  This morning I found out that it did not rain in Manhattan but it will.

I really like storms, especially if there is lots of lightning.  When I get a break today (I’m doing some WFH) I may look open up the garage and take some pictures.

And it’s raining too!

Ohhhh boy.

The announcement was intended to counter rumors by liberal bloggers that Ms. Palin had claimed to have given birth to her fifth child in April when, according to the rumors, the child was her daughter’s.

Palin’s 17-Year-Old Daughter Is Pregnant – The Caucus Blog –

So. A group called Focus on the Family jokingly ask that people pray for rain on Senator Obama’s acceptance speech.  It not only did not rain but the opening day festivities of the RNC have been canceled to focus on providing support for the fallout that hurricane Gustav will be bringing with it.  Even the Whitehouse is getting it’s act together for this one.  Good thing they asked only for rain.

So. The Internet was bouncing around with the rumor that her youngest son is actually her grandson.  And to counter that they release that her 17 year old daughter is doing a Jamie Lynn Spears?

How is that going to play in Peoria?  Any odds on Palin pulling a Harriet Miers and dropping out?

Went to the American Air Power Museum today

Lily went to the U.S. Open today with our son, so I took the girl to the American Air Power Museum.  She had fun and I took some good pictures.  I’ve just made this one my desktop image.

Glamourus Gal

It came out much better that I thought it would.  The P-51 Glamorous Gal was not able to take off because of the weather.  That was a shame, seeing it in the air would have been awesome.  The plane was in fantastic condition.

Governor Palin’s qualifications are what again?

NRO got it right.

Inexperience. Palin has been governor for about two minutes. Thanks to McCain’s decision, Palin could be commander-in-chief next year. That may strike people as a reckless choice; it strikes me that way. And McCain’s age raised the stakes on this issue.

. . .

Tokenism. Can anyone say with a straight face that Palin would have gotten picked if she were a man?

The Corner on National Review Online.

No one can legitimately argue that a woman can’t be president.  That’s just stupid and would eliminate many powerful and capable candidates.  Senator Clinton would have been a great choice in an election had she won the primary.  The Democratic Party did not throw women under the bus; the process worked out and Senator Clinton received fewer votes.

That’s how elections work.

If it’s legitimate to run ads claiming Senator Clinton and Senator Biden were arguing that Senator Obama lacked experience, how exactly does it work when McCain picks someone who has virtually no national or international experience at all?

She was a mayor of a town with 7,000 residents -> Governor of Alaska. She ran on a reformer ticket and is being investigated for allegedly trying to get her former brother-in-law fired.  That a lot of experience alright.

Rooting for Governor Palin purely on the basis of her being a woman does an equal disservice to women. President Palin? Who could honestly say that she can actually be a good president?  Sexual discrimination is not over when a woman becomes president.  It’s over when a woman becomes president and no one notices that she’s a woman.

This continues to be a fun election to watch.