Mostly about my amusement

Author: Jan Dembowski (page 43 of 96)

Completed the 1/144 HG 00 Raiser

After I completed the Crossbone Gundam I started the 1/144 HG 00 Raiser designer colors version. Not a bad build and I put on almost all of the decals.


My son built the 1/100 00 Gundam and this one had shared a lot of the same flexibility. With HG models, the build time is very quick so I did not take any in progress pictures. My next model will be the Harrison Madyn’s custom F91 so I may take some in progress pictures.

Factually correct makes it fun reading

The best part of Frank Rich’s article is that his examples are dead on. Michael Steele’s words are just pure comedy gold.

The hearings were pure “Alice in Wonderland.” Reality was turned upside down. Southern senators who relate every question to race, ethnicity and gender just assumed that their unreconstructed obsessions are America’s and that the country would find them riveting.

via Op-Ed Columnist – They Got Some ’Splainin’ to Do –

Would there be an outcry if she said  “a wise experienced insert ethnic background here would be better than a robot”?

The idea of someone actually taking pride in her background (note: I’m also Puerto Rican) and using that background as a strength, why would that be a negative? She was obviously attempting to inspire and I think she succeeded. If that’s the most controversial statement that the opposition is focusing on, then they should have had the hearings in one day.

Judge Sotomayor will make a fine addition to the Supreme Court. The confirmation hearings turned into a farce many years ago.

MG Crossbone Gundam X-1


And the struggle to reduce my Gunpla backlog continues! I’ve just finished assembling the MG Crossbone Gundam X-1. It’s the pirate Gundam and it’s very cool.

Things to consider with this model:

  1. No poly caps! Cool since models are meant to be posed and not played with. The F91 is the same way.
  2. It’s very difficult to pose holding it’s weapons.
  3. It needs a stand.
  4. It cries out to be painted and touched up.

The stand I can buy and Stefan has a trick for holding the weapons. I don’t know when I can paint it, if ever.  Like most of the current MG and HG models the seam lines are in good locations and the assembly was not difficult.

Finished the MG Gyan


I’ve been trying to catch up on my back log of Gunpla and I assembled the MG Gyan. As master grades go, it was “Eh”.  The build was not particularly difficult and there were not many surprises.

It’s a heavy model and posing it is difficult.  The shield is huge. If I wanted to pose it like the box art, I would need to get another stand just for the shield. The beam sword lights up but I have not gotten the battery yet. Once I have it, I’ll post another picture.

I’m now moving onto the MG Crossbone Gundam X-1. Like the F91 before it, this one has no rubber joint parts so it should be an interesting build.

Harsh but probably accurate

This pretty much sums up Governor Palin:

“She has an incredibly thin résumé, a serious lack of gravitas, no coherent philosophy and the people around her are amateurs,” another top Republican pol argued. “She’s finished.”

via Alaska’s governor Sarah Palin to resign, dooming her presidential pipe dream.

That’s not to say she wont make the rounds and push for other candidates. But she is now moving into Joe the Plumber territory.

Okay, I don’t get it

Sarah Palin to resign as Governor of Alaska.  Why would she do this? As governor she obtained real experience and she has made it clear she’s looking for a national office.

When she runs for the Republican nod in 2012, does anyone think that her bailing before any tangible recovery happens in the economy will insulate her and make her more attractive as a presidential candidate? Like it or not, she leads Alaska as governor. Why put down that responsibility now?