You can’t trumpet how safe we all are while ignoring that they let the worst terrorist attack in the U.S. actually happen.
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I used Photoshop Elements 6 and liked it. It worked and let me touch up my photos quickly and efficiently. I liked it so much that when PSE 7 came out, I paid for an online upgrade as soon as I could.
PSE 7 broke the small things. With version 6, the photo downloader just worked. When removable media was inserted into my PC, the service would see image files and pop up with a “Are you ready to download them now?” This was a feature that I liked and my installation of PSE 7, this just does not work.
I have to launch the photo pownloader by hand, select the media and then I’m good to go. It’s a small point but a pet peeve of mine. This after un-installing the software, wiping out all traces of it on the disk, my %AppData% folder, and in the registry. Twice.
The second pet peeve is the offer to backup/synchronize my photos on Adobe’s site. I get asked the following question more than half the time when I start PSE 7:
Hey Stupid. I see that you are not smart enough to use the free 2GBs of storage that Adobe provides you to save your files when your house burns down.
Do you
1) Want to stop being a moron?
2) Sign up for some real space at a fee?
3) Continue to jeopardize your standing in the family by not backing up online now?
I exaggerate but not by much. The pet peeve is that I’ve been ask this question almost 50 times now. At what point does PSE 7 and Abobe get it? I have ~14,000 photos on my WD 1TB MyBook, it takes up 105 GBs of space. If I lose them I’ll feel bad, but I’ll just keep taking more pictures.
My last pet peeve is the thumbnail generation. Sometimes, not always, it refuses to generate a thumbnail for an image until I’ve browsed to that image. It’s as if it’s saying “Oh, you want to preview that file?”
Other than these points PSE 7 is okay. I rarely get into heavy editing and usually just adjust the brightnes and contrast. Since my files are all in RAW I also get to fix the white balance. The final results of my editing are worth putting up on Flickr.
They’ve solved the queue problem and I’ve just logged onto Quake Live beta. I had zero wait time. The game play was good.
I finished Char’s Zaku II version 2.0. I’ll post better pictures on Flickr today.
These newer MGs from Bandai keep getting better and better. The joints are very articulate and the whole model is very posable.
Quake Live beta is a nice idea. It’s the old Quake III Arena family of games but via a web browser. This version rates you and attempts to pair you up with people with similar skill levels.
It’s also popular: wait times to login are around 30 minutes! I like the idea but I re-purchased all my Quake games on Steam a long time ago. And lately I have been playing FEAR 2 so I don’t really want to wait around for the Quake Live to let me on.
Maybe after I’ve completed FEAR 2 I’ll give this some play time.
I’m playing more FEAR2. It’s a creepy, but really fun game. After playing it for a while, walking around the house in the dark is freaking me out.
My character just escaped from the not-hospital and the streets are filled with bad guys and remenants of dead people. It’s a good game but the original had a better horror story feel to it.
A few weeks ago, my hosting service received a complaint that my blog was sending spam. I don’t spam, so I checked out what was going on.
I had been using Mark’s Subscribe to Comments plugin which has one flaw: the released version does not support double-opt in. At the time I replied to my hosting company with an explanation and I disabled that plugin. I also went onto SpamCop and replied to the complaint with what I had done to resolve this.
Being tagged a spammer is serious stuff.
Double-opt in is when someone signs up for an e-mail and the first and only e-mail that goes out is one that says “Hey, someone just signed you up for this. If it’s really you, please confirm by clicking on this link. If it’s not you, then please ignore/delete this e-mail and the system will never send you an e-mail again.”
Until the subscriber clicks on that double-opt in link, the person is NOT subscribed. It’s e-mail subscription etiquette 101 and should be adhered to. I am NOT a bulk e-mailer but you have to be responsible on the Internet. SpamHaus has a good explanation here under “confirmed opt-in”.
This is a known issue and now the SVN copy of that plugin now supports Double-Opt in. I got my copy by using this command in my wp-content/plugins directory:
cd wp-content/plugins svn co stc
That put the svn copy into wp-content/plugins/stc. I went into the admin portion of the plugin and enabled Double-Opt in. A quick test later confirmed that it’s working. Once the 2.2 version is released, I’ll stop using the SVN copy and sync up with the WordPress.ORG copy.
One last item was that I deleted the e-mail of the subscriber who complained and now people who leave comments and want an e-mail on follow up comments will now work in a responsible way.
This guy needs to resign. Not because he’s corrupt but because he is a really bad liar.
First it was he did not get asked to raise money.
Then it was he was asked to raise money. But not by the Governor, it was his brother that asked. But he turned it down and did not try to raise any money. And it was the Senate’s fault that they did not ask specifically about the Blagojevich’s brother.
Now he did try to raise money! But it’s okay, he’s really bad at it.
From the NY Times article:
At a Presidents’ Day dinner in Peoria, Mr. Burris again denied any wrongdoing. He said he had been treated unfairly by Republicans and by the news media. “The media now is almost destroying my character,” Mr. Burris said.
The state of Illinois is having a rough time. Their junior senator is an idiot.
Look Ma, no DVD! I just activated FEAR2 on Valve’s STEAM and I’m downloading and installing off of the Internet right now. That’s very cool.