Mostly about my amusement

Category: Politics (page 5 of 12)

Senator McCain is embracing the Internet

I don’t agree with Senator McCain about many things, but I like him. I can disagree with his politics and still consider him to be a great American.

He’s really beginning to embrace the Internet. First it was with a Twitter account and now someone has setup for him his own Youtube page. I’ve been following his Twitter account and I get a kick out of his “I’m off to this meeting” tweets.

Considering what’s going on with the Republican Party (Rush and Michael Steele are embarrassing con artists), it’s a good thing that the McCains are on the job.

What the Republican’s need to remember is that almost everyone liked Ronald Reagan.  His politics weren’t really different from main stream republicans, but he was approachable and people could have fun with him. I think his policies hurt the country in the long term but, disagree with him or not, you felt like your grandpa or your fun uncle was in office.

If they really want to get back into politics, they need to stop being so “pure” (a Master Party? I don’t wan’t to think about that) and start being approachable and accepting. Losing moderates will only continue to hurt them and make them look more like boot clicking marching robots.

Bipartisanship is dead already

From a Fox news web article:

Some Republicans believe President Obama killed any chance for bipartisanship when he opened the possibility of prosecution and a congressional investigation of Bush-era lawyers who authorized “enhanced” interrogation techniques on terror suspects.

Possible Interrogation Probe Dashes Hopes for Bipartisanship Under Obama

Now they say bipartisanship is dead? Remember children, it’s only bipartisan when you do exactly what the Republicans tell you to do.

They stage “tax” protests where people call out labels like fascist and socialism without coming up with any solution. The real protest is that they just dislike President Obama.

They stage a vote and the Republicans reject all stimulus plans. Then they go home and brag to their constituents and take credit for the bill they voted against.

And except for a few, they are insisting that torture is not torture.

What these politicians fail to understand is that the United States was never supposed to try to emulate the Khmer Rouge. We are supposed to be better than that, and not repeat the lie “But it worked, so it’s good”. It’s torture when anyone does it.

How can people not be horrified by this? Americans don’t torture is what it should always be, not Americans don’t torture because we say it’s not torture when we do it. Our enemies are real, evil, and want to kill us. This is not the way to fight terrorists; you can’t out evil them.

These Republicans need to stop being party hacks and start becoming American.

Senator Roland W. Burris: It just keeps getting better

This guy needs to resign. Not because he’s corrupt but because he is a really bad liar.

First it was he did not get asked to raise money.

Then it was he was asked to raise money. But not by the Governor, it was his brother that asked. But he turned it down and did not try to raise any money. And it was the Senate’s fault that they did not ask specifically about the Blagojevich’s brother.

Now he did try to raise money! But it’s okay, he’s really bad at it.

From the NY Times article:

At a Presidents’ Day dinner in Peoria, Mr. Burris again denied any wrongdoing. He said he had been treated unfairly by Republicans and by the news media. “The media now is almost destroying my character,” Mr. Burris said.

The state of Illinois is having a rough time.  Their junior senator is an idiot.

Speaker Pelosi is such a politican

Except for continuing to be re-elected, Congresswoman Pelosi is a failure.

But speaking on Fox News Sunday, Pelosi said she wants Congress to consider repealing tax cuts on those who make over $250,000 immediately and is pushing for a congressional investigation into whether the Bush administration illegally fired federal prosecutors two years ago.

via Pelosi, Obama disagree on tax cuts, Bush investigations « – Blogs from

Now with only days left in the Bush administration, she wants investigations. I happen to agree with her, but I do not want that enabling, pandering, self-serving Speaker of the House involved. She kept her head in the sand and now she wants to do this for no other reason to claim credit. She’s a real politician.

I think that the tax cuts should be reviewed for their effectiveness, I don’t know if they do work or not.  That review should be from economists that are recognized by both sides of the aisle. If the tax cuts are good for the economy they should stay.  If they don’t help, they should go.  But the economy has to be the driver not some fake conservative philosophy or some fake liberal one either.

I also think the Bush administration should be investigated.  It appears that instead of looking at the law to solve problems, they looked for reasons to justify breaking the law. That does need investigation and if people were found to be breaking the law they must be held accountable as a warning to people in the future.

But also investigate the role of prominent politicians who must have known better. Pelosi and Reid should not get a pass.

Your tax dollars at work

Senator Reid may permit Roland Burris to be seated if Burris promised to bow, genuflect appropriately, and sign a statement etc., etc.,  etc.. I am sure that list will include Burris being told to kiss his ham.

Sigh, this is pointless.

While everyone can agree that Blagojevich is a low life, he is a low who has the ability to appoint interim senators for the state of Illinois. Since that has not changed, and Burris has been appointed, the Senate should stop their pointless postering and get to work.