This is probably documented somewhere but I’m posting it here so I don’t forget (again).
I wanted to give Jetpack’s Carousel module a spin but the built in Themify Pretty Photo lightbox kept getting used instead.
To disable the PrettyPhoto lightbox add these lines to your child theme’s functions.php
add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'mh_remove_pretty_photo', 20); function mh_remove_pretty_photo() { wp_dequeue_style( 'pretty-photo' ); wp_dequeue_script( 'pretty-photo' ); wp_deregister_script( 'themify-carousel-js' ); }
That will let another lightbox be used instead such as Jetpack’s Carousel. The 20 argument in the add_action()
is to make sure my function gets queued after the parent theme function.