My 12-year-old has gotten into trouble at home and even though he’s grounded it’s alright. He’s 12 after all and I got into LOTS of trouble when I was his age.
My parents had 4 sons and the whole family is opinionated and we all fought everyday. I learned at an early age where the line was and exactly how far over the line I could go before I got into real trouble.
This is a skill I carry with me in the workplace and for the last 6 years I’ve not gotten into that sort of trouble at work. That’s despite saying some extraordinarily ballsy things too. My sense of humor just comes out at the best times.
It’s good to know where the line is and how far you can stretch over it.
So I was really amused when my son came home this afternoon and said this.
“Dad. I know I’m not allowed to use the computer. And I’m not going to ask if I can. But if I were going to ask you when I can use the computer what would your answer be?”
My reply was along the lines of “Don’t push it kid” but after he left I laughed. He’s a smart kid but I do worry that his generation doesn’t have to deal with consequences at an early age. Later on yes, but every infraction can be fixed quickly. My son hasn’t yet learned that the plate is hot and you don’t put your hands on it cause it hurts.
Meh. There’s no rush. The kids will grow up soon enough.
Angeles Dembowski says:
It’s something everyone should learn at a very early age. Too many don’t and get into trouble. Every act has consequences.
And he already sounds like a hair splitting lawyer.
February 28, 2014 — 12:07 pm
Jan Dembowski says:
Yeah. It worries me but I’m sure he’ll be fine.
February 28, 2014 — 12:16 pm