Mostly about my amusement

Category: TV (page 1 of 1)

Constantine is a fun show

I’m watching NBC’s Constantine via FIOS on demand. It’s a fun show but I wonder how faithful it’s going to be to the original comic.

I’ve not look at that comic for ages. Unlike the Keanu Reeves version, this one has someone playing as a brit.

It’s s fun show if a little grim. I mean what else to expect with a prime time show that deals work demons.

I’m writing this post from my phone as a way to play with the WordPress Android client. Easy so far and the client has come a long way since I last looked at it.

12 year old Doctor Who fans are awesome

Like many people I DVR’ed the Doctor Who 50th anniversary episode as well as the last Matt Smith episode. My whole family was smitten with Matt Smith but my son said something that put it all in perspective.

“I doubted Matt Smith at first, I didn’t think he’d be as good as David Tennant. But I liked Matt Smith even more. I’m going to give the new Doctor a chance.”

Smart kid and I really like that he’s got an open mind about this.

I always think that the actor’s run is too short (especially Christopher Eccleston) but Matt Smith’s time as the Doctor was great. There’s not a single episode of his that I didn’t like. I am sure that Peter Capaldi will also take the character to new places and it will be entertaining.

Now if only they could manage to bring back Alex Kingston…

Battlestar Galactica mid-season ender

Battlestar Galactica from

Friday was the mid-season ender of Battlestar Galactica and I just saw it on my DVR.  No spoilers but if you want, you can read about it on Salon’s website.

The show is still good and the series wrapping up at the end of this season is a good thing.  But I have a tough time watching the show.  No matter what happens, people die, their situation gets worse, and each episode ends with “do we shoot ourselves now or wait till next week?”

It’s like reading a good Harlan Ellison story because each episode is gritty and tough but still satisfying.  It’s very anti Gene Roddenberry; Battlestar Galactica is the space opera equivalent of HBO’s Oz.  At the end of each chapter the characters are still in a really bad place.

I can’t wait to see how the series ends.