Mostly about my amusement

Year: 2008 (page 21 of 22)

That’s the Rudy NYC remembers

Rudy can smileThe New York Times has a good article on Rudy Guiliani which highlights many of his bad temper abuses. It’s a little long but some of the examples I had forgotten about. I like the photo from the article, it shows a “lighter” side of the presidential candidate.

I think the Rudy 2008 campaign is beginning to realize that his tough guy 9/11 hero bit is not going to get him delegates. Lately his stumping in Florida is lacking his 9/11 rhetoric and his latest ad does not even use the word “terrorism”.

When Rudy was mayor he did improve things but he did so without any class. It was a “my way of the highway” but it was needlessly mean spirited and he became a real bully. From petty arguing with radio show callers to slandering a victim of a police shooting, he made it clear that he wanted to be a mean SOB.

Rudy was tolerated because he did get things done and the city was a mess. But previous mayors proved that you could work with people and still get work done. Ed Koch was quite a character but he was effective. David Dinkins made lots of mistakes but he did have class.

I can’t imagine Rudy as president. We’d have a bigger melt down than we have with President Bush. The Bush Cheney administration is petty, no-bid, ignores disagreement (on good days), and has a demonstrable contempt for the law. President Rudy would trump that; President Bush is sadly not too bright. But he’s not really mean or a bully.

What an image, the school yard bully having his finger on top of the button to launch the missiles.

Looks like no Amtrak strike

Penn Station as it used to be, Picture from Wikipedia

I heard on 1010 WINS this morning that a tentative agreement between 9 unions and Amtrak was going to be announced today. That’s a relief as both Lily and I both take the LIRR to Penn Station get to work. It would have been a pain for us to get to work, likely we’d have gone to Queens and taken the MTA.

We both enjoy working in NYC. When I started commuting again it was like I’d been banished to a third world country and had returned to civilization. My first week I was walking to work and trying not to look like a tourist.

That’s an exaggerated reaction and there are advantages to working close to home in Long Island. But I just prefer working in Manhattan and never mind the 90 minute commute.

Picture from of Wikipedia article on Penn Station.

DNA samples taken from anyone arrested?

In NYC for the state of the city address, Mayor Bloomberg apparently is proposing that DNA samples be taken from everyone arrested.

I think the idea is like the police running the ID of anyone who jumps a subway turnstile. If they’re naughty enough to jump a turnstile then they might have an outstanding warrant. Thus a ticket-able offense becomes a potential dragnet.

What could be the problem? Police already fingerprint people when they are arrested. And just like fingerprints, the DNA sample could finger the person being arrested for prior unsolved crimes. I think this idea should be expanded.

Let’s get samples of peoples DNA when they apply to any government program. Or even when people apply for a Social Security number. Get them when they are young. Think of the benefit, and best of all, if the person never commits a crime then they have nothing to be afraid of.

I guess even politicians get bad days. I don’t know why Mayor Bloomberg is channeling Rudy but that’s a dumb idea logistically as well as legally (maybe, IANAL).

Is Rudy cured?

Wow. Miracles do happen.

After many attempts and interventions Rudy has been able to appear in public without having his 9/11 Tourette’s syndrome kicking in.

Every article I have read seems to concentrate on the fact that he left out the English only part of his talking points and how politically poisonous Katherine Harris still is. Not one mention of 9/11.

If this keeps up, people might start thinking that Rudy is more than a one-trick pony. He’s not, but people can be fooled.

HG Gundam Exia assembled

Just finished assembling the HG Gundam Exia. It’s good and when the weather is warmer I’ll probably paint it. Except for the shoulders, the whole thing breaks up for easy painting.

HG Gundam Exia

The Exia was built right after the HG Shiranui Akatsuki Gundam was completed. Here is a picture of the completed model:

HG Shiranui Akatsuki Gundam

Behind it are the MG Zaku II ver 2.0 and the MG Perfect Gundam; their not mine Stefan brought them over.

The last pictures are of the HG Justice and HG Savior Gundams:

HG Justice and Saviour Gundams

The Akatsuki was for my girl, the Justice Gundam was for the boy. They’ve both asked me to make more 🙂 .

New Hampshire primary today

Former President Bill Clinton went dumb today. He was working a crowd in a town hall setting and he started complaining about how the media is giving Senator Barack Obama a pass. Oh and his voice cracked; not his finest performance.

He made a mistake. He’s smarter than that and all he has done is shown everyone how frustrated Senator Hillary Clinton’s campaign is. They need to be positive and on message in order to convince voters to pull for her. How about highlighting her accomplishments as a second term NY senator? Or the hard work she did while First Lady?

CNN’s video has an analysis of this at this link. By the way, CNN Video works very well with Ubuntu Gutsy Gibbon and Firefox.

Senator Clinton is not the inevitable presidential candidate. One of her opponents, Senator Obama, has raised valid concerns about what she accomplished and what her pride got her (health care initiative anyone?) She points out his lack of experience and he points out that being the First Lady is not the same as being the President.

I hope the Clinton campaign makes the Democratic nomination a real dog fight and that the voters get someone who represents them well and has earned the nod. If this tone keeps up then they’ll just be another also ran candidate.

Bad mail queuing in Postfix

Yesterday around 12:36 AM my main server mowgli went into a temporay coma (a disk volume fell down and did not get back up) and was not receiving mail.

No problem, thanks to the magic of DNS MX records, mail goes to my backup server dixie. Good thing I was clever and had dixie forward all mail to Optimum Online’s mail relay… when the mail relay got the mail it tried to deliver it to mowgli (who was down) and then back to dixie. The mail dixie got was sent into a loop with my ISP’s mail relay.

Each hop is added to the messages SMTP header and when an MTA sees that it is looping with itself then it typically sends the sender a non-delivery message and discards the original mail.

I lost about 20 hours of mail messages for my domain. Once mowgli was fixed I made a change to mowgli’s Postfix configuration. In the file I changed this line from

smtpd_recipient_restrictions = permit_sasl_authenticated, permit_mynetworks, reject_unauth_destination, reject_rbl_client

to now include a whitelist

smtpd_recipient_restrictions = permit_sasl_authenticated, permit_mynetworks, reject_unauth_destination, check_client_access hash:/etc/postfix/whitelist, reject_rbl_client

The /etc/postfix/whitelist file just contains one line for dixie’s IP address OK

I ran postmap hash:/etc/postfix/whitelist and tested. From dixie I was able to telnet to mowgli on TCP port 25 and send mail by typing in the SMTP commands directly. Before this I would get an error message like

554 Service unavailable; Client host [] blocked using;

Now my main server accepts mail just from that IP address on the whitelist before the Spamhaus check occurs. The reject_rbl_client check is still working (open mail relays are BAD) it’s just my one IP address that gets a pass.

The configuration on my backup server dixie was simple. I added to one line

transport_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/transport

The file /etc/postfix/transport contained smtp:[]

I ran postmap hash:/etc/postfix/transport and restarted postfix. Now when dixie needs to deliver mail to it sends it directly to mowgli. If mowgli is unreachable it will just queue up the mail until mowgli becomes available. Every other domain gets forwarded to my ISP’s mail relay and all is good.