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Governor Palin abused her position and so what?

The report is in and apparently Governor Palin (or her husband, I can’t tell which) has abused her position. And it does not matter one bit. The folks who will vote for McCain only care about ethics, rules, and laws when it applies to Those Darned Socialist Democrats.

If anything this will solidify the base of voters who will claim that Governor Palin is the target of a political hit job. Any conservative who writes about Palin in anyway negative will simply get targeted as a not-country-first turncoat. That’s what Joe Six Pack says, anyway.

John McCain does show some signs of realizing what he’s doing, but he apparently still wants to get elected at any cost.  I still believe that he’s not really this scare mongering talking head (I liked McCain in 1999). But this is his last chance and I think in the next 2 weeks we’ll see the McCain campaign full out the stops.

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